Plum Nectarine Tarts

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Description: Had some really juicy plum and nectarines sitting at home, courtesy @homefields_jsy so decided to try these really easy pastry tarts with the fresh stone fruits! Only four ingredients involved and with hardly any assembly or baking required – these tarts would work wonderfully well for some weekend family breakfast! You can try these tarts with your other favourite fruits, even peaches, apricots or berries. These tarts are delightful, beautiful and with the fresh fruits, it can’t possibly go wrong!

Servings 9


  • 1 puff pastry sheet, thawed as per instructions on the package
  • 2 plums + 2 nectarines, sliced thinly
  • egg wash (1 egg)
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar - Feel free to use honey or maple syrup instead


  • Preheat the oven to 220C and line a baking tray
  • Unfold and cut the pastry sheet into 9 equal squares, brush with egg wash and top each square with the fruit slices. Sprinkle some brown sugar and bake for around 15 minutes until golden brown.
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