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Description: Hands up if you are looking for a quick and easy chocolate dessert! It’s as easy as it gets….mixing dark chocolate, cardamom, coconut cream and you have a simple but rich and spiced chocolate mousse cake.

Servings 8-10


  • 400g dark chocolate
  • 8 cardamom pods , ground
  • 120g double cream
  • 200g natural yogurt
  • 170g coconut cream
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 50ml strong black coffee , cooled
  • 90g glacé cherries
  • 160g shortbread , bite-sized pieces


  • Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Mix in the ground cardamom.
  • Whip the cream to soft peaks. Further fold in the yogurt, coconut cream, coffee and maple syrup. Fold through the smooth melted chocolate and mix well. Add in the shortbread and cherries, mix. Pour the mixture into a lined loaf tin, cover and let it set in the fridge for at least 3-4 hrs. Cut into slices and serve.
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